The proximity of building the ninja warrior obstacle course is only not fair enough, and you need to train your kids to play safely. Children love to play ninja warrior games with friends and family. Moreover, it’s good for kids to keep them active and engage in physical activity; thus, such obstacle courses are really worth it.
As ninja obstacles come with a variety of challenges like jump, run, climb, so it’s good to train your kids for it. Think about it, as it won’t be a bad idea to have Ninja Warrior Training For Kids. Now the question arises of how to train children. Well, in this blog, we will be summarising over it, so let’s scroll down and know more.
What To Keep Prior During Ninja Warrior Junior Workout and Training Sessions?
- Ensure their safety measures.
- Keep obstacles challenging, adventurous, and exploring.
- Mandatory is ready safety and first aid kits ready.
- Build obstacles that are according to their age, height, and level of intelligence.
The Ninja Warrior Training For Kids Must Have Challenges
To keep you kids well maintained and balanced for ninja warrior obstacle courses, you can train them with simple exercises and workout. Some of the significant training workouts are mentioned below.
For Strength and Endurance
To make your kids strong and powerful, good is to create obstacle challenges in sets for at least 30-seconds to 1 minute. Below are few workouts that can be easily done by children.
Plank Workout

Planking for a couple of minutes is a great way to build your kids healthier and strengthen their bodies. It will even benefit them to improve their body balance and climbing ability.
Wall Sit Exercise
You can even train your children with wall sit exercise for 30 seconds for isometric strength and body endurance.
Dead Hang

Dead hang exercise for 45 seconds to 1 minute will also strengthen their body and stabilize body posture during ninja warrior obstacle games.
For children, push-ups are also a sufficient workout to make them strong and balanced.
For Balance And Agility

Ideal for training them with at least three sets. This will encourage them and even make their body active. Below is some Ninja Warrior Junior Workout to improve balance and agility ability among kids.
2-minutes of jogging is worth enough around the house to the warm-up body.
High Knees Exercise
Make high knees workout during Ninja Warrior Training For Kids. Good is to keep it on repeat for 30 times at least
Spiderman Climb Exercise
If you want your kids to balance their body weight and have improved agility, then Spiderman climb is good. Make sure of 20 times on each leg, but appropriate is to practice for less than move to 20 per each leg.
Burpees Workout
It would be a hit for kids to gain body balance and right posture with a burpees workout. This will give muscle strength and endurance to both the lower and upper body. Keep it a ten repeat mode exercise.
Scissor Switches Kick Exercise
Flutter kicks or scissor switches is a fantastic workout for kids to strengthens legs, lower body muscles, and even enhance body posture. You can train your children with 25 repetitions as it will even benefit kids with improved body flexibility and endurance.
Sprint Or Running
To make the body active and stimulated warm-up, sprint/run workout is good to speed them. For 2 minutes, a continuous run will improve stamina and metabolism.
What To Place In Home Based Ninja Warrior GYM?

The first thing is to keep the ninja warrior gym simple, not that complex. However, later you can improve it with more advanced challenges and workout plans for kids. The ideal is to look for more DIY projects to build workout challenges. Apart from the workout, it’s good to train your kids with DIY ninja warrior obstacles at home/backyard.
- You can use old tires to create different obstacles on the ground.
- Use colorful water pipes, as those can be easily molded to create any obstacle.
- Wooden blocks, plywood pieces, and boards can be used for DIY ninja warrior courses.
- Hang cargo nets and ropes tightly.
- You can use PVC pipes, lacrosse ball globes for hanging obstacle gym training.
- To create rock walls or climbing walls, get Rockwall hanging stuff and bold them nicely.
- For a more bit difficult rock wall, a wooden pegboard DIY project is also useful.
- Get monkey bars and pipes for a complete Ninja Warrior Junior Workout at home.
- You can also use rings, wooden cliffhangers, ladders, slides, etc., in the ninja warrior training gym.
- Good is used home-used stuff like punching bags, buckets, bean bags, and more.
Is It Good To Have Ninja Warrior Training For Kids?

Ninja Warrior Training For Kids is an incredible fitness goal that makes children physically active, mentally fit, and emotionally balanced. Let’s talk about the reasons how and why Ninja Warrior Junior Workout is beneficial for kids.
Increase Focus And Concentration
Ninja warrior training sessions are a great way to improve concentration and focus. Different challenges make them apt to attempt every warrior obstacle easily.
Increase Flexibility
It is imperative to make your kids sporty; thus, flexibility is a must. Ninja Warrior Training For Kids and obstacles will increase body flexibility and make kids better athletes. It will enhance the ability of muscles and joints movements.
Helps In Body Balancing
For better growth and development, ninja obstacle courses are fantastic. It gives children a way to control and balance the body. Furthermore, it provides body stability and coordination.
Improve Body Spatial Awareness
Ninja obstacle courses and training will give the body better control and increase spatial awareness.
Give Body Strength
Ninja warrior workouts will help in better body foundation. It improves metabolism and ensures excellent body strength. Obstacle courses even benefit in good posture and better motor skills development.
Boost Confidence
Kids during multiple obstacle challenges and workouts will improve their skills. It will boost their confidence and make them independent.
Final Verdict

Ninja Warrior Junior Workouts and training will enhance your children in multiple ways. Different DIY challenges, exercises, and training sessions at home will improve their body strength and make them mentally stable. It will even benefit from learning moral and social values while playing with fellow friends and family members. If you want to train your kids with ninja warrior workouts, then read our blog for wise-nice lessons, safety hacks, and ideas.